Monday, February 22, 2016

There Is No Room for Fear in the Life of the Follower of Christ

I have to apologize for the lack of writing over the last 8 months. We have been through some heavy medical things in our family and I have been especially distracted. I have thought of a lot to say and write about but too tired or distracted to do so. 
I am not going to start a political discussion here but I wanted to share this blog post today. I think it is one the truest and most well written blogs I have read in a long time. I wanted to share and will be doing some writing of my own later but here is some food for thought for now. 

We need to pray carefully about who we vote for in the March 1st primaries. We have been talking about and praying about FEAR in our lives and this post applies as well. For followers of Christ, we must choose another path over fear. We must overcome FEAR and replace it with LOVE.

PONDER this verse this week and pray for the Lord God to banish fear from our lives as followers of Christ.   Fear affects our decisions. It makes us "uncourageous" and it can cripple us from doing what we have been called to do.

"There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. (1 John 4:18)