Wednesday, May 29, 2024

New Journey

I have always enjoyed writing and even had a book published back in 2003. It was stories about lives that were affected by 9-11-01. It was a hit for a while and a lot of people loved it. I enjoyed writing how God had worked in others lives. I am about to embark on taking a writing class for the next 3 months to hone some skills and see where this takes me. I have many thoughts in my mind about what to write and what genre to write in. We shall see. I have several projects going on right now and will share as they develop. Wish me well! I am on this new adventure and it is a little scary. In the end, I want to glorify God in what I write and pray that what I write can bring hope and peace to others. From my Facebook post. SOMETHING NEW.... I have continued to have an itch about what to write about next. Several things have not panned out and that is okay. I joined in a a ZOOM writing course a couple of weeks ago, led by a lady who has been a professor and writer of stories for many decades. I was intrigued but the cost of continuing the course was beyond my budget. Was a bit discouraged but decided to pray about it and see what happened...well, just yesterday, she emailed me and offered me a scholarship to be a part of a 3 month course. I am excited because it will stretch me and grow me, I am sure. It was surely a little God-surprise. So, next Tuesday night, I embark on a new journey to hone my writing skills and maybe get some direction. I am sure that I will be sharing some surprises along the way with you. I will give you a hint...I am exploring short fiction stories based on some true stories from my life and seeing where this goes. I am excited about this new adventure.

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