Reposting from a Facebook page I write for each week.....this is a constant struggle for all of us as followers of Christ. What do you think? Is it hard to ask the Lord to show you what possessions you need to "give away"? It is for me but becoming easier and easier. We don't have much in our house that stays sedentary for long.It was hard at first.....but as Russ and I get closer to the Lord, it is getting easier because we are tied to our "things".
It had been a very cold week in Montgomery. I got a call from a friend
who had a co-worker who needed a coat. I put the word out and very soon
after got a call from a lady I know who said that just that morning she
had prayed and asked the Lord to show her who to give this coat she had
to. The coat was the exact size this other woman needed. The lady who
needed the coat was thrilled. She didn't know how she was going to
afford one.
The lady who had the coat was thrilled because it was a reminder of several things.
1. She had too many coats for one person. She needed to share what she had.
2. God answers when we ask and she was willing to be obedient to His prompting.
3. She was learning to consider ALL of her possessions God's
property,not her own. So if someone else needed it, she was asking the
Lord to help her be willing to give it up...for someone else.
Wonder what it would look like if, as followers of Christ, we took
seriously the fact that everything good that has been given to us is
from God and that we are called to "live generously" because of what He
has done for us? Would you pray that prayer this week?
you willing to be "willing" to give up your possessions for those who
need it more? The places we live would be DIFFERENT if we ALL were so obedient.
Praying this week for all followers of Christ to come to a point of radical generosity because of the great
generosity the Lord has bestowed on us.
Matthew 10:8b MSG
"You have been treated generously, so live generously".
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