On the way to take Son#1 to school today, we had come to a 4 way stop and in the middle of the road was a baby squirrel who was frantically trying to decide what to do. He was so frightened he couldn't move. I stopped(
and backed up school traffic-I am sure there were some explicatives in the cars behind me)and got out. Tried to shoe it to the curb and he jumped up on my pants and clung for dear life. I walked him over to the grassy yard let him go and ran back to the car before someone pulled out a pistol! (
this is the south you know!)Got back in the car, drove on. Son#1 looked back and told me it was out in the road again..RATS! We rode on to school and I was determined to go back and get him to safety. After dropping Son#1 off I went back to the same spot and there he was still in the road being paralyzed with fear! Before I could get to him, a bunch of teenagers in a souped up car ran over him flipping him over, but not killing him. They were hooping and hollering(
they will be the sociopaths of tomorrow I am sure! That is a whole other blog post)as they drove off. I walked out into the street and he was dragging his injured leg in circles still frantic. I gently picked him up and he was chattering away, frightened and hurt. I laid him by a tree.By the time I got to the tree, he was dying. Probably internal injuries. I was sad for him. I just looked at him and said, "
I tried to help you get out of harm's way and you went right back to the place that was harmful to you. I am sorry you didn't accept my help the first time".
I got back in the car, very sad for him. Then it hit me.....is that the way God feels about us? We ask for help. He sends relief. We don't listen or accept it. We go back out to the danger. We get run over by whatever comes our way. We die physically OR emotionally.
IF that little squirrel had stayed on the grass, he would have been safe. He ran back to the same place of danger. Now he is dead.
There is a great proverb that says this:
"He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly". (Proverbs 5:23)
When I got to my office this morning I read this:
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but
painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and
peace for those who have been trained by it". (Hebrews 12:11)
Lord, help me to trust your guidance and the help that you send. You are my heavenly Father and today, I will trust in you!
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