Wednesday, May 29, 2024

New Journey

I have always enjoyed writing and even had a book published back in 2003. It was stories about lives that were affected by 9-11-01. It was a hit for a while and a lot of people loved it. I enjoyed writing how God had worked in others lives. I am about to embark on taking a writing class for the next 3 months to hone some skills and see where this takes me. I have many thoughts in my mind about what to write and what genre to write in. We shall see. I have several projects going on right now and will share as they develop. Wish me well! I am on this new adventure and it is a little scary. In the end, I want to glorify God in what I write and pray that what I write can bring hope and peace to others. From my Facebook post. SOMETHING NEW.... I have continued to have an itch about what to write about next. Several things have not panned out and that is okay. I joined in a a ZOOM writing course a couple of weeks ago, led by a lady who has been a professor and writer of stories for many decades. I was intrigued but the cost of continuing the course was beyond my budget. Was a bit discouraged but decided to pray about it and see what happened...well, just yesterday, she emailed me and offered me a scholarship to be a part of a 3 month course. I am excited because it will stretch me and grow me, I am sure. It was surely a little God-surprise. So, next Tuesday night, I embark on a new journey to hone my writing skills and maybe get some direction. I am sure that I will be sharing some surprises along the way with you. I will give you a hint...I am exploring short fiction stories based on some true stories from my life and seeing where this goes. I am excited about this new adventure.

Friday, May 17, 2024

How We Fight Our Battles Matters!

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Cor. 10:3-5

Whether you think they are real or not, the Bible says they are. Spiritual battles are going on all around you. 

* the neighbor next door to you is struggling with sexual sin and feels all alone in the battle.
*the person in the grocery store you are standing behind are so discouraged they feel like there is no hope and are contemplating whether or not to end their life.
*the young man in a neighborhood far from yours feels so overwhelmed with the urge to take just "one more pain pill" and then he will quit.
*the woman who cuts your hair is anxious as to whether she will get home in time to cook her husbands meal so he won't haul off and hit her again...she is already wearing bruises under that pretty shirt you just complemented.

These scenarios are in!

What will you do as a follower of Christ?

 Be aware that most of the people you are around each day are fighting battles that are not of this earth. The Bible makes it clear that they are real and what is "unseen" is more important that what is seen.

Look at your surroundings as you go out and about today. Look at the people you encounter. Pray for them. Pray that the Lord will surround them with His angels, protect them and give them whatever control they need to battle the demons they may be facing. Pray for someone(maybe you)to come into their lives who can walk with them through the struggles.
RIGHT HERE. IN THE GREATER MONTGOMERY AREA.....people need YOU to fight their battles through prayer. Ask the Lord to help you be more consistent in praying over our city---which means praying for the people in it. 

Psalm 5:11-12 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
SURROUNDED by Michael W. Smith

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

New Beginnings 2022

So much has happened since I last wrote. I am sad that I have let it go so long as it helps me to write.  This past  3 years, I experienced a sudden job loss, a separation (and divorce), brand new career, my youngest son died suddenly, the cat AND dog died in 2019 and 2022 and then just a bunch of little things that went on called life. It has been a few years in the desert but all through it, the Lord has sustained me and I am forever grateful for my relationship with the Lord. It has been amazing that He has loved me through so many of life's troubles and even sprinkled in some joys along the way. I have been a Christian for many, many years(49 to be exact) and I continue to be amazed at His love for me. These past couple of years, I have used a verse over and over again during really hard days. It has become my "life verse" in my older age. A great reminder of whose I am and how precious each of us is to the Lord...

More is good to be back.